Cybersecurity: Did you know that simply downloading your email or clicking on web site advertisements may add/download tracking software to your device? Advances in technology now enable advertisers and marketers to track your online habits through the collection of this usage data. Have you ever clicked on an ad on a website for something that interests you, and then found either the ad or a similar ad popping up on other websites, seemingly following you around? This is due to the new trend called “Behavioral Marketing” or “Target Marketing.” When you perform a certain task online, your browser is flagged for that particular interest by all sites using Google search engine tools. And today, most websites you visit will preempt advertisements with those best suited to your interests, favorite products, or brands, based on your past online use.
For marketers, your behavior is essential for them to know so they can design advertising and promotional messages that resonate with you, the user, thus maximizing the advertisement’s impact.
Email works in a similar way. When you download an email and its images to your computer, you are acknowledging you have received that email. Email marketers are able to track how many times you open that email, what you click on, and if you forward that email to someone. They can even tell if you chose not to open the email.